Monday, July 6, 2015

A new chapter begins!!

As the dust has started to settle in our new adventure, I find myself realizing that, holy cow, I live in paradise now! This move from station life to cutter life was the biggest move we have ever had to accomplish, and I feel we have done it well.
Let me start by saying, wow, to move this far away from all of our family was a challenge. We have been here a month and have almost fully moved into our new home. We have been exploring all the new things to do, while our rock has been sent to deal with the job, which is not here at this time. And to make it better, he's not scheduled to be back till August :(.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Don't go into the Late!!

So the unpacking continues, but at least we took about an hours break today and found a beach very close to our house. Rialto beach. Very pretty and very nice, and oh wait so funny, we can see the station from it.
So of course I yelled at the kids to stay out of the water, but of course that did not happen.  In the ocean they went, laughing and having a great time.  The older 2 got wet up to their waists but the littlest got completely drenched! Of the funniest part was he yelled to us that he got water in his mouth. So cute.
Picture to come as its still on my phone at the moment. No vampires around! since it was a nice sunny day.

PB & J Kisses
The Coastie Wife

Thursday, May 31, 2012

This little light of mine.....

Ok so i have been here at the new station 1 day and i am already thinking .....crap what did i get myself into! The indian rez is amazing ppl are friendly and the station is nice. Then ya drive into the town and bam!! Twilight junk everywhere!! And i do mean everywhere, walking down the street and in every shop door or window is twilight junk. I guess i will have to learn to deal with it but where is the light at the end of the tunnel?? Oh wait what light its cloudy here lol

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

And the moving begins

So the packing has started and is almost finished for the day. With all the boxes around the house i feel like a hoarder of sorts lol. The littles have been good, well for most of the day at least! I wish i could take a nap lol

Thursday, May 17, 2012

I think i hear angels!?!

I thought i was listening to my littles radio all day. Such sweet music, like a little bit hard rock mashed together with sweet base. So of course i listened all day only to realize that my neighbors were playing in their garage band! So sad now to be moving away next week.