Thursday, May 31, 2012

This little light of mine.....

Ok so i have been here at the new station 1 day and i am already thinking .....crap what did i get myself into! The indian rez is amazing ppl are friendly and the station is nice. Then ya drive into the town and bam!! Twilight junk everywhere!! And i do mean everywhere, walking down the street and in every shop door or window is twilight junk. I guess i will have to learn to deal with it but where is the light at the end of the tunnel?? Oh wait what light its cloudy here lol

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

And the moving begins

So the packing has started and is almost finished for the day. With all the boxes around the house i feel like a hoarder of sorts lol. The littles have been good, well for most of the day at least! I wish i could take a nap lol

Thursday, May 17, 2012

I think i hear angels!?!

I thought i was listening to my littles radio all day. Such sweet music, like a little bit hard rock mashed together with sweet base. So of course i listened all day only to realize that my neighbors were playing in their garage band! So sad now to be moving away next week.

Can I still have a lazy day??

So the sun is not shining so brightly today, but its still a pretty nice day to......clean more of the house?!?!? I guess the past couple of days I have been trying to relax, and not do a damn thing. hehe. I know that next week is going to be....whats a normal word to use....CRAZY, INSANE, A ROYAL PAIN IN THE ARSE.  Yes those are normal words for whats happening next week. Movers going in and out, packing up our personal items,
 watching them to the point that my eyes will resemble an owls by the end of the day. Yup that will be me. Staring at a mostly empty house after the movers have left for the day.

When I sit down and think about it, military moves are Great or they can be Bad.  At least now the military understands that it doesn't make a great move to let the lowest bidder get the contract.  So many items to claim, yelling, and mostly headaches. Or you get the chance of having a great company pack you out. So far, I am excited about this company. Its customer service so far is already AWESOME!! Amazing eye contact, the lady that came and asset our home was really great. She made me feel that we actually got an amazing moving company this time.
But.....(don't ya hate when that sneaks in there)  We haven't had the actual movers come in yet, so we are still in the limbo area of hoping, hoping, and praying!!  that we actually got movers who understand how to make this move easy and comfortable for my family.

I do feel that I need to say I'm sorry for those who have to do all the packing and boxing and getting a truck and getting your stuff on a truck then driving to your new place and unloading your truck and hauling in the goods to the right rooms......oofffff, thats got to be a headache from the moment you think you might move to the day you finally get all your boxes unpacked. I truely don't want to think of the day when we shall be doing that.

Lets all have good whatever we have going this next week. That everything will go smoothly, no issues, and finally, no HEADACHES!!

Good Luck Everyone!!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The Fun of Packing!!

Oh the joy of packing!  And oh the joy of military moves!  I am grateful to not have to pack everything myself, but a small (and I do mean small ) part of me would love to have my hands in the mix.  The sitting around waiting for the movers to touch all my property gets to be unbearable! Oh wait, did I tell you I get to just stand around holding a clip board and writing down all the numbers they put on the sides of the boxes. The JOY!! 
I would much rather have a root canal done. Or maybe not, never had one. lol
I get the stress of moving to a new place and pretty much starting over, but I also get the excitement!!  How fun, a new place to explore. New things to see, and not see (for those who know where we are What fun.
And then my mind comes back down to earth and I realize, Oh CRAP!!  I have to unpack all those damn boxes, Again. I feel like we just finally got all unpack and settled into this house and now we are off to start again in a new house. 3 years, boy it will go by so fast, but i am hopeful that this experience for my 3 littles will be something that will make them eager to ........ EXPLORE!!

Who, What, and mostly.....WHY?

I am who I am...No. Thats not how I would start this. Or maybe it is...Yeah!
I am a Coast Guard Wife, in other words I am a Coastie's spouse.  I love my husband and everything that makes him....him! From small stations to large and in charge sectors, we have seen many.  The life we have is not easy, but at times its not difficult either.  We make the best of everything.  And we do get a lot of EVERYTHING!  From work, family, couple, and kid issues, we get it all.  I don't mind being the go-to-wife, I have seen a lot in what little time I have been on the planet, which is amazing to say.
So this blog is to help those Family members, new coastie wives, or just anyone who think being a spouse of a coastie is easy, to understand Our Lives are not as easy as you may think.